
Yesterday was a surprise in which I didnt know there was a art trip until I got to school, and had to rush over. I kinda wish I would have stayed at school, but the trip was fun and I always enjoy art trips, even though some people on the trip are unpleasant.

Things that I accomplished:

-Posted the links to my summary on my website.

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-I printed off the construction trade design, gonna deliver it to Mr. Bushman, and sent the Design to my construction email with the ai format and PDF format.

– Made my print off page to staple to the back of my turn in page.

-Watched Preserve numbers vs. embedded profiles and Converting pixels to vectors, The converting pixels to vector was just a quick little intro into whats to come from learning about Live Trace, I am very excited to learn more about it, he talked very passionately and upbeat about Live trace, which got me excited about it too. Preserve numbers vs. embedded profiles was a okay lesson, it doesn’t apply to me at the moment being that I do not have his lesson downloaded.

-Added the next chapter to my website.

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Got a Surprise art trip to woodward and didnt get a chance to post a blog so this is it. I was gone to woodward to pick up art.


Posted in DCA


Things that I have accomplished:

-I sent my goal of the week.

-I made a gif, but the size of the gif was wrong making it hard to save it properly.

– I worked on my design for construction. I went to and found a font that I am fond of to use for the shirt. I was also looking up more information on what it is that I can incorporate into my design.

– I made a bow also in Illustrator, for future references.

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Things that I accomplished:

-Sent my goal of the week.

Presenting your designs: Presenting your design is going to be much harder for some people because it has nothing to do with designing but your now a salesman. The things that we are going to be going over in the rest of this chapter is Presentation formats, The reveal, Writing a design rationale, Responding to client revisions, and Renewable creative energy.

Presentation formats: You are going to want to establish a standardized format for delivering your ideas to your clients and you don’t want your medium to over power your message. It is a wise to choice to send your files in PDF format being that no matter what kind of computer you have a PC or MAC you are going to be able to open it. When presenting your design it is best to try to be a minimalist. You should have your design as the primary focus. It is also good to be aware of the fact that sometimes people on the other end do not get what they are suppose to, like the color. It is good to keep a just in case JPEG so you can send that over too, and make sure you have good communication between client and yourself. If a larger firm or business you can use PDF, but with a small business you can mostly use JPEG and get rid of that guess work of if your color came out to what it was suppose to.

Revealing your designs: When your designed is presented to the audience it is a raw and real experience, being that there is no one there to explain the reason for some of the reasons you have your work. The message of your design is either dismissed or received. You don’t want to rush your clients into making a decision. You are just going to want to reveal your design and see how they like them.

-Posted the link of my summaries to my website.

-Did some more line art, but didnt have time to post.



Things that I accomplished:

-Sent my goal of the week.

The Point-by-Point Method(Continued): The 1st stage is rough building when you are rough building you are not to worried about the exact form of the shape, but you are focusing on where the best places it is to place your anchor points. When you do the rough building you can use the clockwork method to discern where you should place your points. When you are making your paths you can dissect your design into more manageable shapes. The next step is Shaping vector paths in this step you are doing exactly what it is talking about in the title. You may just be adding the bezier handles to the anchor points that you have established, adjust the point placement, and messing with the bezier handles to shape your paths into in the image. Smooth anchor points is the next to last step. Smoothing your points out is not very hard. You are going to be selecting any anchor point that should be a smooth and go to the menu bar and you have the button Convert Selected Anchor Points to smooth and click it. The final step is Refine shapes is when you are just scanning your work to see if you have anything you need to fix, its like a last overview.

-I was practicing my vector images. I am using one of megan’s chibi’s. This makes me realize I should be drawing some analog drawings in which were made to be a vector image.

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Things that I have accomplished:

-I sent my email that answers a couple of questions that Mrs. Frascht asked on her blog to Mrs. Frascht.

-I found a great page that has great Illustrator tips, tricks, and demonstrative pictures on how to make different things. Illustrator  CS5 Tutorials: 70 Wicked Tips

-Started my rocked in which I am learning from the link above. This is a trial run kind of, you know getting the gist of how to do something. I probably will customize it to more me after I try this tutorial.

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Things that I have accomplished:

 -I am doing the BPA contest  and I am mostly just making notes in Illustrator in what I need to do and ideas that I have but I have my theme picked out and now I am working on my color palette. 

-Theme. “Go the Limit”, I was surfing the internet for awhile looking for inspiration in what I can do. I was looking on kuler on what color palette I could use. which are on the bottom of the image.

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