Still feelin Exausted

Things that I have accomplished:

-Sent the email in which I am helping mrs. Frascht with the 8th grade tours.

-I sent my goal for this week.

-I posted a blog entry for both days that I was gone.

-Watched Both videos, but the summary will be coming probably later thursday or on friday.


Things that I have accomplished:

-I sent my email that answers a couple of questions that Mrs. Frascht asked on her blog to Mrs. Frascht.

-I found a great page that has great Illustrator tips, tricks, and demonstrative pictures on how to make different things. Illustrator  CS5 Tutorials: 70 Wicked Tips

-Started my rocked in which I am learning from the link above. This is a trial run kind of, you know getting the gist of how to do something. I probably will customize it to more me after I try this tutorial.

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Things that I have accomplished:

 -I am doing the BPA contest  and I am mostly just making notes in Illustrator in what I need to do and ideas that I have but I have my theme picked out and now I am working on my color palette. 

-Theme. “Go the Limit”, I was surfing the internet for awhile looking for inspiration in what I can do. I was looking on kuler on what color palette I could use. which are on the bottom of the image.

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Busy Busy Busy … and Slighty Hungry

Things that I have accomplished:

  • I sent my goal of the week.
  • Sent in my 2 Leave Request forms for Wednesday and Friday. Wednesday I will be in Stillwater for the SLC trip and then for the Friday I will be in Bartlesville seeing my cousins. (I honestly forgot about the SLC trip in which I had to rearrange how I was going to do and accomplishing things this week.)
  • Watched Ch. 7: Rounding off corners: This was a nifty lesson in which it went over rounding corners. I have never used the “Effects” part of Illustration but I see now that it is a really helpful in getting in to a place you want your image or project that you have to work. The small things that we touched on was the Rounding corners(Effects>stylize>Round Corners)  and scribble effects(Effects>Stylize>Scribble). Your appearance panel is your best friend, because you can come up with so many different varieties of options for your project or image. You can rearrange some of the effects or strokes etc to what you desire. You can adjust and turn off some thing from these panels if you desire.
  •  Watched Using the Transform effect,Using Live Paint, Ch. 8. Saving and Exporting: Saving your artwork, and Exporting an image file. I only had time to watch these videos but summaries of these lessons I am probably going to write them at home. I have a lot of things to do today but this is on my to do list.

Scaling and Rotating

Things that I have accomplished:

  • I sent a email to Mrs. Frascht about what my goals are and what I want to do next year. It wasnt the best email but I guess it will work. I just have a hard time deciding on what I want to do, cause I love both.
  • Doing chapter 5: Scaling and Rotating and having some hiccups as I am going through this lesson so I am going to go over it till I get it right. (Though having hiccups I like this lesson and its something I have been looking forward to learning because I was wondering how to do this just yesterday.) But I finally figured it out, the problem was I just keep pressing the wrong buttons. 😛
  • I did the the lesson twice and added the blades to my saw blades for my shirt for Construction Trade class. 

Mastering Pages

Things that I have accomplished today:

  • Sent my goal of the week.
  • Did the last lesson “Using master pages” from chapter 4. Formatting Pages and Pouring.
    • Using master pages:  Something that this lesson started out by saying is the things you are going to learn like repeating text, and images on multiple pages, and learn how to input footers and folios (like page numbers).  If you want to transfer a header onto some more of your documents you are going to choose the marque tool (free  transform tool) and select your header that you have created maybe on just one document. When you are selecting your header maker sure you start your box out in a empty space where something is at and then your going to drag it to envelop the whole header. Something that might be selected that you honestly don’t want to select, so to deselect it you are going to press shift + click.  After this you are going to press command + x which is the cut command, or to send it to the clipboard. Go to your pages panel and you see in the top there is the “[none]” and the “A-Master”, and you are going to double click on the A-Master to activate it. After you activate this page you are going to press Cmd + v to paste what you have cut into your document. To create some page numbers you are going to press cmd + spacebar to select the bottom of the page to zoom in. You will see at the bottom there is the word “Page” but no page number so you are going to double click inside after page and space and then go to the top bar and select “Type” -> Insert Special Character -> Markers -> Current Page Number (alt + shift + ctrl + n). After going through all that clicking you are going to select all your pages in the pages panel and select the arrows down in the upper right hand corner you select the “Apply Master to Pages”. A box is going to show up and you need to make sure that on “Apply Master:” you select the “A-Master” and then click okay. You notice that after you have agreed to the change your document still does not look right, you are going to go back to the “A-Master” pages and at the bottom you are going to select the add a page selection in that panel and your now going to have two pages. Select the header and pages numbers etc and drag the document over to the other side but while you are dragging press opt + shift + drag and its going to copy it. After this you are going to just drag the page numbers on the second page to the other side so you will flow better.
  • Posted my link to my website to my summary.
  • Worked a little on English for the lasat 10-12 minutes, I have a test next hour.

Rough Start

*Memo: When getting to class my computer was acting up and wouldn’t let me sign in and the waiting curser continuing to spin, not letting me do anything.*

Things that I have accomplished today:

  • I sent my goal of the week.
  • I finished my projects and pages that I am putting in my folder that I have organized in Indesign.
  • I am not sure if I am going to be gone tomorrow for the test but ill find out.

Cats Cats Cats

Things that  I have accomplished today:

  • Well for some reason it took me this long to actually figure out how to set my background in the tile mode for a repeating pattern. Being honest my mind is blown.
  • I am also spicing things up and switching what applications I use on each screen. its kinda freaky. Putting my safari on my left side and my photoshop , dreamweaver, and etc on my right side.
  • Sent a email to do a small project.
  • I always wanted to photoshop a cats head onto my body and here it is. 🙂 
  • I am also working on another cat picture, which i this is ingenious!! here this is that i started today and i think i got pretty far 🙂 Dont worry my cat is not as class as i am hoping but soon it my lil kitty will be so classy its mind blowing.