Still feelin Exausted

Things that I have accomplished:

-Sent the email in which I am helping mrs. Frascht with the 8th grade tours.

-I sent my goal for this week.

-I posted a blog entry for both days that I was gone.

-Watched Both videos, but the summary will be coming probably later thursday or on friday.

Wednesday <3

Things that I have accomplished:

– Since Lydia’s post that I reblogged was missing a few components to it, which are vital to get to the right page, instead of telling you the few things it needed I decided to post a new link that goes right to it without any bumps.

– Raster and vector previews: This was a pretty simple lesson in which he is demonstrates how you can see the difference in when you go from raster to vector art. It was really quite interesting.

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^ This picture is the original image with the outline of the vector art that it is transformed into.

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^ This picture is the edited raster version with the vector outline over it. Illustrator turns the image into a more simplified raster version before it is transformed in a vector image.

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^ This Image is the final result of the raster image turning into a Vector image.

Threshold, Min Area, and Max Colors: Threshold is some thing that is applicable just to black-and-white tracing and nothing more. Min Area determines the minimum area that Illustrator will trace. The other thing that they touched on was the Max color, and that is in the same spot as the Threshold, only this time when using color you are not going to need the threshold.

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^ This is the original image in which is a raster image.

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^ This is the Vector image in which I used the Max color of 6.

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^ You can probably count the 6 colors that in this image by this closeup. When dealing with max color you are counting the Black and white

Its Tuesday

Theres nothing special about Tuesday.. its just Tuesday. Things that I have accomplished:

-I put some dates into my calendar, like about the details of the  National Technical Honor Society that Mrs. Frascht put upon her blog. I feel so honored to be honored. ^_^

– Other ways to Trace: This lesson is pretty similar to the other lesson. After you have clicked the Live trace button and you want to expand more on the options you can do, you go to the little box that is sitting on the end of the “Preset” Option and this will bring up a box in which you can adjust the mode, and etc. A another easier way in which you can do what you want is before you click the “Live Trace” button, there will be a arrow beside it that will bring down options in which you can trace too. The guy in the video likes more of the Comic choice being that it will trace the yellow too, being that the threshold is 200. At the end of those options you have “Tracing Options” in which you can make the adjustments before. In the options you will be able to choose the mix of colors. , mode, and etc. MY favorite thing to do is pressing the alt or opt key while pressing the Live Trace button, or you can press those buttons when you click maybe the Comic setting, and it will do those nifty outlines.

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-I drew this eye and then turned it into a vector image, I horribly traced a picture of mine and it didnt come out that well. I think next time I will spend more time on tracing so it will look better.

Screen Shot 2013-04-16 at 9.56.55 AM Raster

Screen Shot 2013-04-16 at 9.57.03 AM Vector

Screen Shot 2013-04-16 at 10.24.53 AM Raster

Screen Shot 2013-04-16 at 10.25.30 AM Vector


This weekend I went to Altus to work on the RBC (Regional Building Committee). I work on the Cornice crew and helped put cornice on. Hall builds are very refreshing because everyone that comes is so happy to be their, you have young, old, male, and females helping and you are giving up your time without pay or anything, but they feed you some pretty good meals. I posted a picture of when we were putting the truces on. Though I am on the Cornice crew I hope to be switching soon to be on the Electrical Crew. (:

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Things that I have accomplished:

-Sent my goal of the week.

-Sent in my Leave Request Form for Monday and Tuesday.

Tracing an imported image: The Tracing feature allows you to automatically convert pixel-based imagery into vector-based art work. You can’t rely on this feature being that it does not create automatic artwork. Being that I did not download his files, I created my own alphabet in photoshop and then placed it into illustrator. This was a simple lesson in which my file that was placed inside the application, was then live traced by pressing ‘Live Trace” and then bam you are done. Its converted it into a live trace options, and not only that it converts your file also into black-and-white. You may have a file in which you have what ever it is is yellow, and it doesnt trace. That is because yellow is closer to white that any other color. You can adjust that by adjusting the threshold to about 200.

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-I watched 1 1/2 of the other videos, but have not wrote a summary over them yet.

-I was looking at other tutorials of illustrator, and that got me looking at a few more, its cool as how much you can do and create in illustrator, and Photoshop.


Yesterday was a surprise in which I didnt know there was a art trip until I got to school, and had to rush over. I kinda wish I would have stayed at school, but the trip was fun and I always enjoy art trips, even though some people on the trip are unpleasant.

Things that I accomplished:

-Posted the links to my summary on my website.

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-I printed off the construction trade design, gonna deliver it to Mr. Bushman, and sent the Design to my construction email with the ai format and PDF format.

– Made my print off page to staple to the back of my turn in page.

-Watched Preserve numbers vs. embedded profiles and Converting pixels to vectors, The converting pixels to vector was just a quick little intro into whats to come from learning about Live Trace, I am very excited to learn more about it, he talked very passionately and upbeat about Live trace, which got me excited about it too. Preserve numbers vs. embedded profiles was a okay lesson, it doesn’t apply to me at the moment being that I do not have his lesson downloaded.

-Added the next chapter to my website.

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Rainy Wednesday

Things that I have accomplished:

The color setting explained: This lesson explains in which he made his color settings, which I am very happy about, so I don’t have to download all his things just yet X). The the video he changed his color settings to their default settings. To get to the color settings you can search fro it or you can press ctrl + shift + k , press cmd instead of ctrl if you are on windows. or in my case it is already on its default setting so I don’t have to change anything. This lesson talked more about the certain settings in which you choose he talked about RGB, and CMYK. 

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-Worked on my construction shirt…which I was REALLY getting into, but tis time had to run out…. :/Screen Shot 2013-04-03 at 10.20.55 AM


Things that I accomplished:

-I watched Remapping Mac OS shortcuts. This lesson helped me understand why a past lesson I did in the vector drawing lesson didnt work, it was because Mac is different than Windows and your F1-F12 keys are not the same as what you would think. You would have to go into system preferences and change your shortcut keys to the same. I just edited some of my keys, which was a experience

-I edited and printed out some things for Macbeth, which Surprisingly took awhile.

-The Installing the Best Workflow color setting is another lesson in which it is explaining how to download something certain from his things we have to download. I probably should download these things but I just want to do his lessons from scratch, or maybe I will eventually.



Things that I have accomplished:

-I sent my goal of the week.

-I made a gif, but the size of the gif was wrong making it hard to save it properly.

– I worked on my design for construction. I went to and found a font that I am fond of to use for the shirt. I was also looking up more information on what it is that I can incorporate into my design.

– I made a bow also in Illustrator, for future references.

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